Crafting Puglia’s allure into luxury escapes. Your gateway to exquisite hospitality.
We are the bridge between tradition and modernity, between discreet elegance and exclusive comfort, dedicated to those seeking an extraordinary retreat.
Every stay becomes a sensory journey, where hospitality merges with local culture, and sophistication meets the warmth of the land. Whether for managing exceptional hotel properties or offering bespoke high-end marketing consultancy, our mission is to craft moments that linger in the heart.
Welcome to The Apulian Club: the gateway to refined hospitality, an ode to the true essence of Puglia, where every detail tells a story, and every stay becomes a treasured memory.
3M LAB S.r.l.s. Società Benefit
Via Unione Militare, 6
73014, Gallipoli (Puglia)
P.IVA 04973000757
Codice univoco: M5UXCR1
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